
  • Kristjan Bizjak Zdravstveni dom Ajdovščina, služba NMP, Ajdovščina
  • Damjan Slabe Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ljubljana


Properly given first aid can help the treatment of an injured or suddenly ill person, help their recovery or save their life. Offering a proper first aid is an ethic deed and legal obligation as well. The purpose of the research was to find out the level of the first aid given in the region of urgent medical care service Ajdovščina. In the research that took place between November 2006 and October 2007 the participating employees of the urgent medical care service Ajdovščina after finishing a patient's treatment outdoors or in the clinic, fulfiled a questionnaire about the given first aid. Results prove that the percentage of first aid given by the inexperienced people in the region of urgent medical care service Ajdovščina is stimulative. It is necessary to think about new and more effective first aid training methods for common people to provide higher level of help to injured or ill persons.


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