
  • Andreja Lavrič Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


The purpose of this article is to present guidelines on psychosocial support after major disasters as defined by international projects based on research work. Inside Europe politicians and experts are becoming increasingly conscious of the importance of psychosocial care after natural disasters and therefore more attention and funds are being dedicated to this issue. This can be seen with the increased number of international projects and networks developing guidelines for psychosocial support to individuals, families and the community, and guidelines for formal action within individual countries and in the broader context within the European Union and around the world. The dynamics of psychosocial help for a population is divided into acute, permanent and long-term phases and is implemented at four levels: basic care and safety; assistance to the community and families; focused – non-specialized assistance; and specialized assistance.


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