
  • Milena Dobnik Jeraj Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


One of the tasks of the system of protection against natural and other disasters is to provide assistance to other countries in cases of major disasters and to participate in international rescue operations. International rescue operations are one kind of international operations and missions with the following characteristics: respect for the request by the country affected, fast/immediate response and consideration for humanitarian principles. Rescue operations are most effective if carried out in the framework of international mechanisms for co-ordinating disaster response. Since Slovenia is a member of the EU, the key mechanism is the Community civil protection mechanism. Slovenia provides its assistance in the form of units and experts for civil protection and disaster relief, means of rescue, and means to provide basic living conditions. Until now, Slovenia has provided assistance more than 30 times to other countries during major disasters. The main guideline for the coming period is to continue with the development of capabilities to increase the range and efficiency of rescue assistance which Slovenia provides to other countries.


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International co-operation