
  • Janez Lapajne


As in Part 1 (Lapajne, 2008) the proposals and explanations of some Slovene tectonic, seismotectonic and seismological terms, which are important for engineering seismology, earthquake engineering and related sciences, are given. English translations of terms are given nd the corresponding English-Slovene dictionary of treated terms is supplemented as well. Some terms are taken from the existing Slovene terminological dictionaries. However, many of the proposed terms are not included in any published Slovene technical dictionary, although some of them are used in practice in more or less appropriate forms. The author apologizes for any mistakes made in this proposal. As the author has already emphasized in the first part, his main intention was to challenge and to animate Slovene geologists and seismologists to fulfill the gap in Slovene terminology in the fields mentioned.


Aki, K., Lee, W. H. K., 2003. Glossary of Interest to Earthquake and Engineering Seismologists, Appendix 1. In: Lee, W. H. K., Kanamori, H., Jennings, P.C., Kisslinger, C., (Ed.), International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, Part B, IASPEI Handbook, Academic Press, An imprint of Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg, London, New York, Oxford, Paris, San Diego, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo.

Kladnik, D., Lovrenčak, F., Orožen Adamič, M., (uredniki), 2005. Geografski terminološki slovar, Zbirka Slovarji, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 451 str., ISBN 961-6500-92-9.

Lapajne, J., 2007. Geološki terminološki slovar in Geografski terminološki slovar. Kritična presoja seizmoloških izrazov. Ujma 21, 337-344, ISSN 0353-085X.

Lapajne, J., 2008. Nekateri tektonski, seizmotektonski in seizmološki termini – 1. del. Ujma 22, 316-323, ISSN 0353-085X.

Lapajne, J., 1996. Seizmološko in seizmotektonsko izrazje. Ujma 10, 299, ISSN 0353-085X.

Lapajne, J., 1997. 100 let slovenske seizmologije, Gea št. 10, letnik VII, priloga št. 6, oktober 1997, 30-59, ISSN 131808704.

Lapajne, J., 1995. Strokovna beseda. Potresoslovno izrazoslovje. Ujma 9, 288, ISSN 0353-085X.

Lapajne, J., 2007. Strokovna beseda. Seizmologija – Makroseizmični pojmi. Ujma 21, 319-323, ISSN 0353-085X.

Pavšič, J. (ur.), 2006. Geološki terminološki slovar, Zbirka Slovarji, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 331 str., ISBN-10 961-6568-84-1, ISBN-13 978-961-6568- 84-5.

Wikipedia, 2008. The free encyclopedia, http:// 11. Različni ameriški in kanadski spletni slovarji.





Strokovna beseda