
  • Mira Kobold Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana


Heavy and abundant precipitation which covered the western, north-western and northern parts of Slovenia on 18 September 2007, caused a rapid rise in river discharges, especially in the region of Baška grapa, Davča, the Cerkljansko and Škofja Loka hills. In that area the streams of Selška Sora, Davča and Kroparica caused real destruction. The torrential streams and rivers also flooded in the region of the Karavanke and foothills of the Kamnik and Savinja Alps, plains of Kranj and Domžale, the Tuhinj valley and the wider Celje region. The high Savinja threatened in its middle and lower stream. The Dravinja flooded in its middle and lower stream, too. The discharge of the Sava river was increased in the middle and lower stream. Besides flooding there were many landslides, which are usual for Slovenia in such hydrological situations. In the area with the greatest damage, the discharges exceeded the one hundred year return period of flooding. The result of this catastrophe was enormous economic damage and the loss of six people's lives.


Arhiv Agencije RS za okolje.

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Poplave 18. septembra 2007