On 18 September 2007, extreme precipitation occurred in Slovenia, resulting in catastrophic flooding. The most important factor for properly monitoring and evaluating such severe convective systems is the use of all possible data. Remote sensing data (satellite, radar, lightning detection) have a vital role, since they provide frequent and valuable information in relatively high spatial resolution over a wide area. In addition, a network of meteorological stations with appropriate density is also very important. Some typical patterns on remote sensing data such as cold ring and cold V-shapes are presented for the case of flooding. In the second part there is a short presentation of the INCA system, which produces objective, physically consistent space analyses of meteorological parameters in real time, taking into account numerical weather prediction model data and different sources of measurements. It also provides a derivation of diagnostics and nowcasting for certain parameters. Some analyses are presented for the flooding case mentioned.
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Martin Setvák, Robert M. Rabin and Pao K. Wang, 2007. Contribution of the MODIS instrument to observations of deep convective storms and stratospheric moisture detection in GOES and MSG imagery, Atmospheric Research, Volume 83, Issues 2-4, February 2007, Pages 505—518.
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Wang, P.K., 2007. The thermodynamic structure atop a penetrating convective thunderstorm, Atmospheric Research, Volume 83, Issues 2—4, February 2007, Pages 254—262.

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