
  • Marjan Malešič Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Ljubljana


This article is based on the assumption that modern security crises are showing an increasingly distinct growth in quantity and major changes in quality, evident in the endemic nature of crises, their composition, duration and complexity. The trend in major modern crises is their impact across national borders, their spread from one area of society to another and their connection to existing societal problems that are further exacerbated by the crises. The changing dimensions of modern crises have a direct influence on crisis management and leadership, wherein the conventional forms of organisation and coordination are no longer adequate. A new thinking is needed regarding policy and the capacities for responding to crises, a thinking that will take into account the national and international level of this problem. The aforementioned characteristics of crisis and crisis management and leadership are also strongly affecting Slovenia, which has a relatively well developed crisis management and leadership within individual government departments, but has not established adequate coordination between them, in other words on the national, strategic, level. This article comprises a short theoretical consideration of crises and crisis management, results of analysis of the legal structure governing this field in Slovenia, a subjective view from the administrative structure of crisis management and leadership and concluding recommendations and proposals for creating an integrated system of crisis management and leadership in Slovenia.


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Nevarnosti in ogroženost