
  • Mateja Berglez Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana
  • Milena Dobnik Jeraj Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana
  • Gregor Volaj Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


In the first half of 2008, during the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council, the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief carried out activities in the field of civil protection. The general plan of work was outlined in the 18- month Programme of the German, Portuguese and Slovenian Presidencies. In the six-month period of the Slovenian Presidency, activities in the field of civil protection were focused on three areas, namely: – reinforcing response of the EU to disasters, – cooperation with the third countries, with an emphasis on the cooperation with the Western Balkan countries, – cooperation with international organisations. One of the key tasks of Slovenia in the field of civil protection was also political coordination of interventions of the Civil Protection Mechanism in third countries, whereby the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had the central role and the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief provided expert support. In Slovenia, two events were organised during the Presidency, namely the Directors-General Meeting for Civil Protection and the Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection. During the Presidency within regular activities and during larger events in the frame of increased capabilities, the protection, rescue and relief units participated as well, which were responsible, in particular, for fire safety.


Brdska izjava: izjava predsedstva Zahodni Balkan v središču. 29. marec 2008. Dostopno na: Releases/March/0329Gymnich-statement.html (1. 7. 2008).

Community cooperation in the field of civil protection. Dostopno na: (18. junij 2008).

Sklepi Sveta o sodelovanju z državami kandidatkami in potencialnimi državami kandidatkami Zahodnega Balkana na področju civilne zaščite, Svet Evropske unije, 5. maj 2008.

Sklepi Sveta o okrepitvi zmogljivosti odzivanja Unije na nesreče – na poti k celostnemu pristopu do obvladovanja nesreč, Svet Evropske unije, Luksemburg, 16. junij 2008.

Sklepi Sveta o Zahodnem Balkanu, Luksemburg, 29. april 2008. Dostopno na: (10. 7. 2008)

Disaster statistisc: Occurence: trends-century. Dostopno na: (18. junij 2008).

Evropski svet v Bruslju, 19. in 20. junij 2008. Sklepi predsedstva. 11018/08.

Odločba Sveta 2007/162/ES, Euratom o vzpostavitvi finančnega instrumenta za civilno zaščito.

Odločba Sveta 2007/779/EC, Euratom o vzpostavitvi mehanizma Skupnosti na področju civilne zaščite (prenova).

Outcomes of the Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection. 26. februar 2008. DS 285/08.

Resolution of the Council and of the representatives of the governments of the member states, meeting within the Council on strengthening Community cooperation on civil protection, 31/10/1994.

-mesečni program predsedovanja Nemčije, Portugalske in Slovenije. Bruselj, 21. december 2006. 17079/06. Dostopno na: (5. 7. 2008).

disasters in numbers. Dostopno na (15. junij 2008)





Predsedovanje Slovenije EU in področje civilne zaščite