Several earthquakes in recent decades have shown that the impact of local geological structure (site effects) on seismic ground motion was often underestimated; the effects of the earthquake were therefore greater than expected. The situation in which both the fundamental frequencies of sediments and structures are similar and resonance occurs is particularly dangerous. Methods of assessing the effects of local geology have included the use of microtremors in the last decade. The method is based on measurements of ambient vibration of natural and artificial origin with a three-component sensor. The spectral ratio between the records on horizontal and vertical components gives the fundamental frequency of soft sediments deposited over hard bedrock. By measurements taken inside buildings, the main building frequency in longitudinal and transverse directions and, consequently, the range of increased vulnerability, is determined. Comparison of the fundamental frequency map of sediments and measurements inside buildings allows quantitative microzonation of urban areas and the identification of areas in which there is a danger of soil-structure resonance. Microtremor investigations are carried out in Slovenia within the framework of an international project of the NATO Science for Peace programme. A new microzonation of Ljubljana will be performed with measurements in a very dense grid of 200 m x 200 m. In the Bovec basin, where site effects were very prominent during the damaging 1998 and 2004 earthquakes, we found out that relative high damage to some buildings and areas was caused by soil-structure resonance effects. In Ilirska Bistrica, which is one of the most seismically active regions in Slovenia, we also established that most buildings damaged during major earthquakes are located in areas characterised by the fundamental frequency of soil coinciding with the range of the fundamental building frequencies.
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