
  • Bojan Kuntarič Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


The exercise »Klor/chlorine« took place in mid-November of last year, by which the readiness and training of protection, rescue and assistance forces for intervention in accidents involving this dangerous substance were checked. The organisors devoted particular attention during the preparations for the exercise to informing the population how to behave in the event of such an accident actually occuring. After an apparent collision of a gas tanker and three stationary wagons,, the alarm is sounded for the immediate danger of an accident with chlorine. There was no panic caused among the public becaus of the signals used, since they had all been well informed about the exercise. The main role in the exercise was played by the industrial rescue unit Klar, which was founded in 1962. The unit halted the release of chlorine with the use of suitable plugs. Partial evacuation of the population at risk was additionally carried out during the exercise. The evacuees were moved to a specially prepared evacuation, where the leadership of the collection centre and the reception services provided the necessary help, and looked after the elderly and injured. Temporary tent accommodation was also prepared.





Izobraževanje, usposabljanje in preverjanje