
  • Vanja Badovinac Entrapharm, d. o. o., Ljubljana


The author notes that being faced with a disaster is a stressful event to which people often respond with familiar defence mechanisms. How an individual is affected usually depends on the type of disaster and her or his capacity to face the consequences. In general, people recover quickly after a disaster, especially if the diaster did not involve fatalities among those close to them. Rescue services, volunteers and organsiations that provide assistance contribute to this, for which they are traininged and responsible. The article addresses the question of what forms of help people affected by disasters need. In the case of four natural disasters that have occurred in Slovenia in the last decade, the author discusses whether material assistance in the form of the basic necessities of life (accommodation, food, clothing and money) is sufficient or whether those affected also need psycho-social help. Establishing such help within the system of protection, rescue and assistance in Slovenia is presented and some suggestions for strengthening such assistance are enumerated.


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Psihološki vidik nesreč