
  • Bojan Sedmak Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Ljubljana


Bloom forming toxic cyanobacterial genera and their cianotoxins are present in the majority of surface water bodies in the Republic of Slovenia. These water bodies represent a permanent threat to human and environmental health, since they accumulate substances that are highly toxic to both animal and plant species. Endangered areas and the expected groups of toxins originating from cyanobacteria are described. Special emphasis is given to inappropriate management of surface water bodies, which leads to increased eutrophication. EU legislation devotes particular attention to harmful blooms, since they are responsible for substantial economic losses. Surface waters with high cyanobacterial counts are unsuitable even for industrial purposes. Identification of this natural phenomenon is of significant importance for both civilians and the armed forces. Waters with a highly toxic cyanobacterial content are not merely a risk to public health and an ecological threat, but can also be as biological weapons.


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