Because of certain formal requirements and new seismological data, the seismic hazard map of Slovenia of 2001 should be checked and revised if necessary. The map has been used together with the Slovenian Prestandard Eurocode 8, since 2001. Neither the map nor the prestandard are obligatory. Nevertheless, their use is recommended and preferred to the use of the formal regulations of 1981 and the relevant macroseismic intensity map. Ignoring the fact that the map should be checked every five years, the main factors that dictate possible revision of the map are the earthquake of July 12, 2004 in western Slovenia and the new Slovenian Standard SIST EN 1998- 1, Eurocode 8, which will come into force Jan. 1, 2008. Since the new local seismological data will be difficult to incorporate in the national seismic hazard map, the construction of a seismic microzonation map of the area affected by the earthquake in 2004, as well as by the earthquakes in 1976 and 1998, is recommended.
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