
  • Matjaž Bizjak Ministrstvo za obrambo, Generalštab SV, Ljubljana


Three techniques for mine clearance prevail in the world; in addition to manual demining and the use of specially trained dogs, mechanical mining has a special role. Mechanical mine clearance has major advantages, primarily in being faster and cheaper, but it does not achieve the standards of humanitarian mine clearance (99.6%) because of which additional verification of success is required for mechanical mine clearance. Machines are used in de-mining for a wide spectrum of work, from technical reconnaissance, land preparation and clearing vegetation, and rescue from minefields. Machines must meet certain standards for work, with a stress on: operator safety, cleanliness of the soil, working effect of the machine, mobility and endurance of the machine and operative logistics. Two methods of mechanical mine clearance are mainly used in the world today: flailing and grading. Other methods are also used, such as rolling and removing and planting the land, but they are less used. Flailing has three weaknesses; ejection of mines, piling up the earth and the death of the space, and grading the piling up of earth, ejection of mines, pushing the mines deeper, compressing the earth in front of the rotor and creating a loose layer of earth under the rotor. Machines made in Slovenia have not achieved wider use.


A Study of Mechanical Application in Demining. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Geneva, May 2004.

Banks, E., 1998. Anti-Personnel Landmines: Recognising & Disarming. London.

Bryden, A., 2002. Mine Action Equipment: Study of Global Operational Needs, Geneve.

Dirscherl J., 2004. Humanitarian Impact from Mines other than Anti-Personnel Mines, Geneva.

Dirscherl, J., 2004. Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2004. Geneva.

ITF, 2003. Mechanical Equipment For Mine – Clearance In the Region of South – East Europe. Ig.

McGrath, R., 2000. Landmines and Unexploded Ordnance: A Resource Book. London.

Mikulič, D., 1999. Tehnika za razminiranje, Suvremene metode i oprema, strojevi za razminiranje. Sisak, Zagreb.

Mikulič, D., Šteker, I., 2001. Strojno razminiranje u Republici Hrvatskoj. Hrvatski vojnik, broj 84, godina XII.

Portofolio of Mine-Related Projects 2003. New York, October 2003.

Radić, N. V., 2001. Minsko ratovanje. Beograd.

Shawn, R., Williams, J., 1995. After Guns Fall Silent: The Enduring Legacy of Landmines. Oxfam.

The Use of Mechanical Means for Humaniatrian Demining Operations. Handicap International, May 2000.

Elektronsko dopisovanje:

John Flanagan, UNMAS – New York.

Chris Clark, Mine Action Coordination Centre Southern Lebanon-Tyre/Libanon





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