
  • Renato Vidrih Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana


On 12 July 2004, the Upper Soča Valley was struck by a powerful earthquake for the third time in just under three decades. These earthquakes show that this region is among the most active earthquake regions in Slovenia, perhaps even among the most hazardous. Despite the fact that it was weaker than the earthquake on 12 April 1998 and much weaker than the Friulia earthquake of 1976, it again drew attention to the earthquake hazard in Slovenia, above all in the Upper Soča Valley. It occurred at 13:04 UTC or 15.04 local time. The provisionally estimated coordinates of the epientre are 46.32 N and 13.63 E and the depth of the hypocentre was estimated to be about 8 km. The earthquake, with a magnitude of 4.9, caused maximum effects between VI and VII on the EMS scale in the village of Čezsoča and vicinity and some parts of Bovec. In some areas, because of bad seismological conditions it also achieved effects a levl higher than average. Seismological data are provisional and are still being completed.


Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo in geologijo, 2004. Preliminarni tedenski seizmološki bilten za 2004. Arhiv Urada za seizmologijo in geologijo, Ljubljana.

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Natural and other disasters in Slovenia