
  • Iztok Prezelj Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Ljubljana


Crisis management generates a whole array of problems, which need to be taken into account in the process of building a modern national crisis management system. In the phase of collecting information and crisis warning, the problems of too little or too much collected information and neglecting or disregarding early crisis indicators are evident. In the planning phase problems occur of unsuitable plans, the syndrome of always successful exercises that do not highlight deficiencies and limited interest of relevant decision-makers to participate in crisis management exercises. Many inter-organizational problems are identified in the phase of crisis decision making, such as strategic avoidance of responsibility in crisis, problems of unclear responsibility, different organisational cultures, problem of coordinating the coordinators, inter-organisational competition and conflict, etc. The problem of selective learning is a key problem in the phase of post-crisis learning. The article provides a short analysis of all the identified problems by specific phases of crisis management.


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