
  • Gregor Volaj Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


In 2004, when Slovenia became a member of the European Union, we became actively involved in the education and training programme provided within the framework of the Community Civil Protection Mechanism to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions (Community Civil Protection Mechanism). Slovenian representatives actively participate within the workshops, seminars and courses, which are organized mainly for members of civil protection or experts from that field, who provide civil protection assistance within their national civil protection intervention teams or to a European or other country that has been stricken by a natural or man-made disaster. In addition to the aforementioned forms of education and training, European Community Civil Protection Mechanism exercises have been carried out each year, in which the countries participating in the Community Civil Protection Mechanism have taken part. Opportunity has been provided for a project of exchange of experts from the civil protection field among the Community Civil Protection Mechanism countries, whereby experts can exchange knowledge and experience. Education and training within the Community Civil Protection Mechanism is of vital importance for Slovenian representatives, because it enables common understanding of the Community Civil Protection Mechanism and its civil protection interventions in the event of natural or man-made disasters inside or outside the European Union. This kind of training facilitates the expertise and knowledge required for real civil protection interventions.


Bomberg, E., in Stubb, A., 2003. The European Union: How does it Work? The New European Union Series: Oxford University Press.

EU Priročnik o nudenju pomoči v okviru mehanizma Skupnosti na področju civilne zaščite z dne 20. 5. 2003.

Izvedbeni akt Komisije, ki podaja obča pravila za uresničitev odločbe Sveta 2001/792/EC z dne 29. 12. 2003.

Memorandum o soglasju med Evropsko skupnostjo in Republiko Slovenijo o sodelovanju Slovenije v mehanizmu Skupnosti, Uradni list RS, št. 5/2003.

Navodilo o izmenjavi strokovnjakov v okviru mehanizma civilne zaščite v EU.

Odločba Sveta o vzpostavitvi mehanizma Skupnosti za krepitev sodelovanja na področju civilne zaščite, 2001/792/EC, EURATOM z dne 23. oktobra 2001.

Predlog Pogodbe o ustavi za Evropo. 6. Pismi UN-OCHA in Evropske komisije glede medsebojnega sodelovanja na področju ukrepanja ob nesrečah, 27. oktober 2004.

Program usposabljanja v okviru tečaja Operational Management Course z dne 4. 12. 2004.





Izobraževanje, usposabljanje in preverjanje