:NAB and NMF Projects of the INTERREG III Alpine Region Programme


  • Aleš Horvat Podjetje za urejanje hudournikov d. d., Ljubljana
  • Vlado Maričič Podjetje za urejanje hudournikov d. d., Ljubljana
  • Jože Papež Podjetje za urejanje hudournikov d. d., Ljubljana


Alpine countries have many problems in common because of the very scarce living space, which is very exposed to natural hazards. Effective protection against natural hazards can only be provided with internationally coordinated prevention measures and the EU has therefore accredited several projects within the framework of the INTERREG III Alpine Region Programme. The aim of the cross-border cooperation within the NAB and NMF projects, presented in this article, is for experts from different countries to exchange experience and knowledge in the field of disaster prevention and produce a common strategy in various fields of spatial management, thus contributing to the sustainable development of mountain regions.


Projektna dokumentacija :NAB.

Dragan Matijašič, Projekt INTERREG III C Gorski gozd, Gozdarski vestnik 63 (2005) 1.






International co-operation