
  • Zlatko Mikulič Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana
  • Mišo Andjelov Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana
  • Vlado Savić Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana


The low level of groundwater in 2002 mostly affected the alluvial aquifers in northeastern Slovenia. Drought in that region had been extremely severe and it had lasted the entire year, becoming a turning point in the management of groundwater in Slovenia. Groundwater levels dropped to the lowest point since 1952. The drought was a turning point primarily because groundwater reserves did not recover to normal within the year. This led to the introduction of digging for groundwater in northeastern Slovenia which, in the long term, could cause severe disruptions to the water supply in the entire region. Groundwater management is a complex process, dependent both on natural and man-made influences. Any disruption to the hydrological cycle results in a pronounced change to groundwater reserves. It is possible that the unusual series of droughts in the three years since 2000 are the first precursors of climatic changes in Slovenia. Even the severe winter drought at the beginning of 2002 was the result of climate disturbances in the autumn months preceding it.


Arhiv Agencije Republike Slovenije za okolje. Ljubljana.

Arhiv Hidrometeorološkega zavoda Republike Slovenije. Ljubljana.

Cegnar, T., 2003. Klimatske značilnosti leta 2002. Mesečni bilten ARSO – Letnik IX, št.12, 24-30. Agencija za okolje Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana.

Kobold, M., Mikulič, Z., Sušnik M., Rogelj, J., 2000. Hidrološka suša v letu 2000. 11. Mišičev vodarski dan. Zbornik referatov, VGB Maribor, 1-9.

Kobold, M., Mikulič, Z., 2001. Hidrološka suša v letu 2001. 12. Mišičev vodarski dan. Zbornik referatov, VGB Maribor, 21-28.

Kolbezen, M., Lalič, B., Matajc, I., Mikulič, Z., Zupančič, B., 1994. Suša v letu 1993. Poročilo, MOP – Hidro-meteorološki zavod Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana.

Mikulič, Z., Andjelov, M., Robič, M., Trišič, N., 2003. Nizka vodna stanja v aluvialnih vodonosnikih Slovenije. 14. Mišičev vodarski dan. Zbornik referatov, VGB Maribor, 92-98.

Trišič, N., Savić, V., Gajsar, P., Steklasa, F., 1990. Študija nizkega stanja podtalnice v Sloveniji v zimski suši leta 1988/89. Poročilo, Hidrometeorološki zavod Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana.





Natural and other disasters in Slovenia