
  • Ivo Gostiša Izolirka – požarni inženiring, d. o. o., Radovljica


Mass public events involve the gathering of a large number of persons (from 3000 to 70,000 persons) at a specific location or at several, not specifically determined locations. The contribution describes sports events, processions, singing competitions and music concerts for young people. The number of persons present at a mass event, age groups (children, young people, adults, functionally handicapped persons, elderly persons) and mass behaviour (joy, anger, sadness) represent specific hazards at public events. The hazards, including fire hazards, at public events are described. The goals of protective measures are presented (no injured persons, no deaths, limited material damage). The measures to be implemented for the purpose of ensuring adequate protection (construction measures, technical measures, organizational measures) are described. Of specific importance in public events with mass attendance are organizational measures. The article concludes with a safety assessment of Slovenia and its comparison with that of other countries.


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