
  • Matija Zorn Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Geografski inštitut Antona Melika, Ljubljana


Information on some larger rock falls in the Alps are presented in the article. The biggest known rock fall in the Alps is presented first. Around 9 km3 of material were triggered in prehistoric times at the “Flims rock fall” (Switzerland). The material that fell in the rock fall covered around 50 km2. “Rock falls on Mt. Dobratsch” (Austria) are presented second as the biggest known rock falls in the Eastern Alps. In prehistoric times, around 900 million m3 of rock fell on Mt. Dobratsch. In historic times, rock falls occurred during the Villach earthquake on January 25, 1348. Around 150 million m3 of rock were involved. All together around 1 km3 of rock were involved andcovered an area of around 30 km2. The biggest known rock fall in Slovenia, the “Kuntri rockfall”, is presented. It occurred in prehistoric times. About 200 million m3 of rock fell in Mt. Polovnik. The article also describes the biggest known historic rock fall in Slovenia; this was from Veliki vrh in the Košuta ridge. Some 10 million m3 of rock were involved. The last one presented, the “Vaiont rockslide” (Italy), is presented because 2003 represents the 40th anniversary of the tragic events that took place in the Vaiont and Piave valleys. The rockslide slid into an artificial lake and triggered a tidal wave that killed more than 2000 people.


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