
  • Andrej Gosar Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo, Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana


Paleoseismology studies indications of strong earthquakes which happened in the past but were not recorded instrumentally or in historical records but are preserved in the vicinity of active faults or in soft sediments that underwent liquefaction or some kind of strong deformation during the earthquakes. It is very important for seismic hazard assessment studies to complete earthquake catalogues with paleoseismological data as far back as 10,000 years ago. Paleoseismological studies comprise geological, geomorphological, geophysical and geodetic investigations of sediments from the Quaternary period and exploration trenching. An example of a successful paleoseismological investigation in Bulgaria is described and a proposal for such investigations in Slovenia is presented.


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Keller, E. A., Pinter, N., 1996. Tectonic geomorphology. London, Prentice Hall, 338 pp.

Grant, L. B., 2002. Paleoseismology. V: Lee in sod.: International handbook of earthquake & engineering seismology, Part A. Amsterdam, Academic Press, 475–489.

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Marjanac, T., Marjanac, L., Poljak, M., Živčić, M., Bavec, M., 2001. Srpenica seismites – indicators of paleoseismicity in the Upper Soča valley. Ljubljana, NW Slovenia. Geologija, 44/2, 341–350.

Moores, E. M, Twiss, R. J., 1995. Tectonics, Freeman and company. New York, 415 pp.

McCalpin, J. P. (ed.), 1996. Paleoseismology. San Diego, Academic Press, 588 pp.

Ribarič, V., 1982. Seizmičnost Slovenije, katalog potresov 792–1981. Ljubljana, Seizmološki zavod Slovenije, 649 str.

Shanov, S., 2003. Paleoseismological trench study in Chirpan area. Sofia, COST 625 meeting Lanscape movements induced by active tectonics – field trip, 20 pp.

Yeats, R. S., Sieh, K., Allen, C. R., 1997. The geology of earthquakes. Oxford, Oxford university press, 568 pp.

Živčić, M., 1994. Earthquake catalogue. V: Fajfar, P., Lapajne, J. (ur.): Probabilistic assesment of seismic hazard at Krško nuclear power plant, rev.1. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbenuištvo in geodezijo, 233 pp.





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