
  • Mojca Dolinar Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Hidrometeorološki zavod RS, Ljubljana


No major floods occurred in Slovenia in 1999. During the periods of heavy precipitation in October/ November 1999 and October 2000, some rivers rose and caused local floods, but no extensive damage was caused. During the extended period of rainfall in November 2000, floods and landslides affected the western part of Slovenia. During the whole month of November, 6 cold fronts passed through Slovenia. All of them were accompanied by very strong and wet southwesterly winds in high altitudes, which caused strong precipitation in the western mountainous region. In some parts of western Slovenia, the November 2000 precipitation sums exceeded the 30-year normals four times. In the eastern part of the country, precipitation was not extreme. In May/July 1999 and July 2000 there were some situations with heavy rainfall and thunderstorms were recorded, which caused local torrential floods and damage. Some summer thunderstorms were accompanied by hail. In summer, convective processes were very intensive and the spatial distribution of rainfall was heterogeneous. On the upwind side of the orografic barrier, precipitation was more intensive than on the downwind side. The spatial distribution of precipitation depended on the direction from which cold air was progressing. This is the reason why the spatial pattern of precipitation distribution was different in every situation analysed.


Arhiv HMZ RS

Cressie N.A.C., 1993: Statistics for spatial data, Revised Edition, Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 900 p.

Dnevni informativni bilten, julij 1999, julij 2000, oktober 2000, november 2000, Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje, Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije

Eastman J.R., 1999: Idrisi32, Guide to GIS and Image processing, Clark Labs, Clark University, Worcester, USA

Isaaks E.H. and Srivastava R.M., 1989: An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics, Oxford University Press, New York, 561 p.

Mesečni bilten HMZ RS, VI/7, julij 1999.

Mesečni bilten HMZ RS, VII/7, julij 2000.

Mesečni bilten HMZ RS, VII/10, oktober 2000.

Mesečni bilten HMZ RS, VII/11, november 2000.

Pebesma E.J., 1998: Gstat User’s Manual, http://www.geog.uu.nl/gstat/ 90 p.

Von Storch H. and Zwiers F. W., 1999: Statistical Analysis in Climate Research, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, x + 484 p.





Climate conditions