
  • Igor Kotnik-Dvojmoč Ministrstvo za obrambo, Ljubljana


The changes in the international political/security environment following the cold war have a double and – what is particularly interesting – antagonistic nature. On the one side we can observe the stabilizing effects of the said processes, while on the other side these processes are bringing a multitude of inherent and potential destabilizing effects. It is also becoming increasingly more obvious that the new security situation cannot be explained using ordinary terms from the cold war period. Future security risks and threats are extremely difficult to anticipate, as they are becoming increasingly more complex and difficult to identify. The effects of universalization, demilitarization and globalization processes are calling for the continuous redefinition of priorities in ensuring security. The list of (most critical) security risks and threats is changing constantly, both as regards their structure and the intensity of forms in which they appear. And their number is rising steadily. Also significant are the synergistic links between the seemingly still harmless security challenges and risks. National security problems are no longer the main issue – today there is a growing awareness of the threat to mankind as a whole. It is therefore essential that we find and develop new means of communication in man-man and man-nature relations. However, in our joint efforts and attempts to resolve the most acute problems, we will evidently be limited, once again, by our (in)ability to reach a global consensus on the more critical security risks and threats, and the methods of their prevention, limitation, control and elimination.


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