
  • Miha Likar


Since the launch of Landsat-1 28 years ago, remotely sensered information has been used to map features on the Earth’s surface. An increasing number of health studies have used remotely sensed data for risk mapping, particularly of vector-borne diseases. Nearly all studies have used data from Landsat, the French Système pour l’observation de la terre and the high-resolution radiometer of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. New sensor systems are in orbit, or will soon be launched, and may provide useful data in characterizing and monitoring the spatial and temporal modelling patterns of infectious diseases. Increasing the computing power and spatial modelling capabilities of geographic information systems could extend the use of remote sensing beyond the research community to operational disease surveillance and control. The article illustrates how remotely sensed data has been used in health applications, and attempts to assess the role of Earth-observing satellites in the detection and mapping of environmental variables related to the distribution of vector borne and other diseases in the future.


Beck LR, Lobitz BM in Wood BL. Remote sensing and human health: New sensors and new opportunities. Emerg Infect Dis 6, No 3, 2000.

Glass GE, Cheek JE, Patz JA idr. Using remotely sensed data to identify areas at risk for hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Emerg Infect Dis 6, No 3, 2000.

Boone JD, MyGwire KC, Otteson EW in dr. Remote sensing and geographic information systems: Charting Sin nombre virus infections in Deer mice. Emerg Infect Dis 6, No 3, 2000.

Kitron U, Kazmierczak JJ. Spatial analysis of the distribution of Lyme disease in Wisconsin. Am J Epidemiol 145:558–66, 1997.

Lobitz B, Beck H, Huq A in dr. Climate and infectious diseases: use of remote sensing for detection of Vibrio cholerae by indirect measurement. Proc Soc Nat Acad Sci 98:1438–43, 2000.





Research and development