
  • Rudi Rajar
  • Dušan Žagar Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Ljubljana
  • Matjaž Četina Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Ljubljana


A marine forecast systemcomprised of meteorological and hydrodynamic (HD) models can be a very useful tool for improving safety at sea. The system enables forecasting of the following parameters: (1) wind force and direction; (2) water level; (3) wave height; (4) current velocities; (5) dispersion of pollutants; (6) trajectories of larger floating objects. The safety conditions in the Slovene coastal sea are initially described, and the basic features of the Coastal Ocean Forecast System in the USA are presented. A short description of the HD model is followed by a proposal of a basic methodology for the forecast system in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic). An example of the application of the HD model for an oil spill simulation in the Slovene coastal sea (operational in Slovenia) is presented. The described model system can also be effectively used in other fields, such as planning of ports, marinas (determination of water levels), locations of sewage outlets (simulation of currents), mariculture (forecast of possible major contamination), sea management etc.


NOAA, 2001.

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