
  • Matej Fischinger Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Ljubljana


A hypermedia information system named EASY, which is based on digital slides from post-earthquake investigations has been developed. The core of the system consists of 500 digital images showing earthquake damage after some major earthquakes in the past two decades (Montenegro, Mexico, Northridge, Kobe, Bovec, and Koaceli), which decisively influenced recent developments in earthquake engineering. All slides are commented in detail, classified and labeled with keywords. Additional information on typical damage and the background of images is added. The system offers state-of-the-art navigation, browse and search options using a combination of database technology and a user-friendly Web hypertext interface. The system is available in the Slovenian and English languages on the Web and CD. The paper presents the main concept, objectives and development of the system. A sample session with EASY demonstrates the typical usage, capabilities, and educational potential of the system. Information technology encourages new methods of publication and enables the inexpensive publishing of contents, that cannot be printed on paper. By combining advanced information technology with earthquake engineering knowledge and experience, a valuable reference source and efficient teaching tool has been provided. The Web version is available free of charge at


Fischinger, M., Cerovšek, T. in Turk Ž. 1997a. EASY – Earthquake Engineering Slide Information System. CD in internet verzija ( Univerza v Ljubljani, FGG IKPIR, Ljubljana.

Fischinger, M., Cerovšek, T. in Turk Ž. 1997b. Using Web Technology to Teach Earthquake Engineering. Zbornik seminarja CIB-W78 »IT Support for Construction Process Re-Engineering« (R. Drogemuller, urednik), Cairns, Queensland, Avstralija, 9.–11. julija 1997, James Cook University, 149–158.

Fischinger, M., 1998. EASY – Informacijski sistem o posledicah potresov. Dodatek v knjigi Mihe Tomaževiča »Ocenjevanje uporabnosti po potresu poškodovanih objektov«, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, D1–D23.





Research and development