
  • Bogdan Jurkovšek Geološki zavod Slovenije, Ljubljana


Geologically influenced disasters and events of minor extensions are no rarity in the Alpine world. In most cases, self-induced natural processes cannot be predicted or their effects controlled. It is possible, on the other hand, to avoid the processes influenced or triggered by human activity on the Earth’s surface if knowledge on the geological structure of the area is fair. A geo-hazard map is being prepared for the area of the Municipality of Bovec. Based on authorial copies of manuscript geological maps 1 : 25.000, it will represent a major contribution towards understanding the geodynamic processes that are not presentable within the framework of synoptic thematic maps. It will offer updated basic information for planning and managing the urban areas (forestry, civil engineering, tourism etc.). The map will also have a natural-disaster precautionary purpose as well.


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Buser, S., 1986b. Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1 : 100.000. Tolmač lista Tolmin in Udine (Videm). Zvezni geološki zavod, Beograd, 103 str.

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Gosar, A., 1999. Rezultati raziskav o vplivih lokalne geološke zgradbe na poškodbe objektov. Ujma 13, Ljubljana, 102–106.

Jurkovšek, B., 1987a. Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1 : 100.000, list Beljak in Ponteba. Zvezni geološki zavod, Beograd.

Jurkovšek, B., 1987b. Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1 : 100.000. Tolmač listov Beljak in Ponteba. Zvezni geološki zavod, Beograd, 59 str.

Jurkovšek, B., Šribar, L., Ogorelec, B., Kolar-Jurkovšek, T., 1990. Pelagične jurske in kredne plasti v zahodnem delu Julijskih Alp. Geologija 31, 32, Ljubljana, 285–328.

Ogorelec, B., Jurkovšek, B., Šribar, L., Jelen, B., Stojanovič, B., Mišič, M., 1984. Karnijske plasti v Tamarju in Logu pod Mangartom. Geologija 27, Ljubljana, 107–158.

Vidrih, R., Ribičič, M., 1999. Posledice potresa v naravi. Ujma 13, Ljubljana, 107–116.




