
  • Gregor Gregorič Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Ljubljana
  • Aleš Poredoš Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Hidrometeorološki zavod Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana


Slovenia belongs among those areas with the highest storm activity in the world. Hail causes considerable damage to both crops and property. Therefore, accurate short-term forecasts and early warnings of intense convective activity are of great value. Short term forecasting and nowcasting is a branch of weather forecasting with emphasis on local details in a time range up to 12 hours ahead. Nowcasting techniques integrate information on the state of the atmosphere from various sources: numerical models, remote sensing devices such as satellites and weather radars, ground measurements and radio sounds. Since the time of action is very limited, a detailed plan of action on both the forecaster’s and the end-user’s side is needed. A forecasting and decision-making process must be established. Another important issue is media policy. Some unpleasant experiences have been recorded in relation to extensive publicity in the nowcasting process (30th June 1998).


Conway, B. J., Gerard, L., Labrousse, J., Liljas, E., Senesi, S., Sunde, J. in Zwatz-Meise, V. (uredniki), 1996. COST78-Meteorology; Nowcasting, a survey of current knowledge, techniques and practice – zbornik del, Luxembourg.

Conway, B., (urednik), 1998. COST78, Development of Nowcasting Techniques, Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop, Dresden.

Jaeneke, M., 1998: Nowcasting, ICCED Training Workshop on Nowcasting 1998

Kosmač, J., 1998. Slovenski sistem za lokacijo atmosferskih razelektritev v realnem času. Časopis Delo.

Petkovšek, Z., 1966. Nevihtna karta in nevihtna pogostnost v Sloveniji. Razprave-Papers VII, Društvo meteorologov Slovenije, Ljubljana.

Raatz, W., 1997: Concept of a Nowcasting System at the DWD, ICCED 1st Workshop on Nowcasting 1997

Rakovec, J., (urednik) 1987. 2. mednarodni simpozij o obrambi pred točo – zbornik del. Hidrometeorološki zavod, Ljubljana.

Šipec, S., 1998. Pregled naravnih in drugih nesreč v Sloveniji leta 1997. Ujma 12, Ljubljana

Žagar, M., Gregorič, G. in Vrhovec, T. Modelska napoved močnih padavin v zahodni Sloveniji. Ujma 12, Ljubljana.




