
  • Jurij Beguš Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, Ljubljana


The question of safety at work among small forest owners has long been an important activity of the Slovene Forest Institute, which is responsible for the public forestry service in Slovenia. Despite the newly adopted legislation, which also imposes certain obligations on farmers, the situation in this area is unsatisfactory in Slovenia, as is evident from the results of analyses of accidents at work in the population discussed. In addition to the observance of legislation, the most significant solutions to this problem are various forms of education and training (courses, lectures, printed materials...), which are regularly organized by the Institute in cooperation with other institutions.


Beguš, J., 1997. Izobraževanje lastnikov gozdov za varno delo v gozdu, Zbornik predavanj 1997, Pomurski sejem, Gornja Radgona, p. 22-23.

Beguš, J., Medved, M., 1997 Forestry Extension for Small-scale Private Forest Owners in Slovenia (from the Forest Technology Aspects), 2nd IUFRO Working Party, Extension, Nairobi.

Beguš, J., Medved, M., Pogačnik, N., Slavec, J., 1997. Izobraževanje zasebnih lastnikov gozdov na področju varnega dela v gozdu, Znanje na gozd, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Ljubljana, p. 401-418.

Golob, A., 1997. Forestry Extension in Slovenia, Approaches to Extension in Forestry, Proceedings, Freising, p. 39-62.

Medved, M., 1994. Usposobljenost zasebnih lastnikov gozdov za gospodarjenje z gozdovi. V: Zbornik posvetovanja Gozdarsko izobraževanje, Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije, Ljubljana.

Medved, M., 1996. Accidents in Small-Scale Private Forests and Their Economical Aspect, Mitteilungen, Heft 195, Baden-Wurtenberg, p. 145-154.

Medved, M., Beguš, J.,1997. Extension for Small-Scale Private Forest Owners in Slovenia With the Emphasis on Safety at Chain Saw Cutting, Approaches to Extension in Forestry, Proceedings, Freising, p. 369-385.

Program razvoja gozdov v Sloveniji, Uradni list RS, 14/96. 12. Poročilo o delu Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije, 1999.

Zakon o gozdovih, Uradni list RS, 30/93.

Zakon o varnosti in zdravju pri delu, Uradni list RS, 56/99.

Zbornik Varnost in zdravje pri gozdnem delu, Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1999.




