
  • Zvezdan Božič Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


The joint Slovene-American “POSEIDON-99” operation was planned and organized as a direct continuation of three previous, successful operations (“Seahorse-97”, “Divex Compos-97” and “Divex-98”). The operation consisted of three parallel activities: searching of the sea bottom with sonars, investigation of possible locations of EODs, and the removal of EODs from the Slovene sea and their destruction. The operation itself was quite complex from the logistic and organizational aspects, as a great many persons from various government bodies, services and companies participated. Special emphasis was given to the safety aspect of the operation, as the handling of EODs is very risky. The operation was successfully concluded to the mutual satisfaction of both sides. The final analysis of the “POSEIDON-99” operation resulted in an agreement on the organization of a new operation named “DIVEX-2000”.


Božič, Z., 1999, Pozejdon-99, Revija Obramba, 11/99, 17.

Elaborat in končno poročilo za akcijo Pozejdon ’99, Uprava za obrambo Koper, oktober 1999.





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