
  • Domen Kušar Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana
  • Mateja Gris Slovensko združenje za požarno varstvo, Ljubljana


The equal use of buildings, regardless of different disabilities, is one of the basic human rights of modern society. The measures we use to make this possible are called universal accessibility. In the event of a fire or other disaster, evacuation from a building is usually based on the assumption that people will retreat by walking. The only exceptions are those buildings where people with mobility impairments permanently live; in these buildings, evacuation is ensured via horizontal evacuation, with organizational measures and so on. For other buildings, ensuring the conditions for universal accessibility and safe retreat for all people is a challenge for the designers, owners and users of the buildings. All residents should have the opportunity to escape from the facility on their own or with the help of others. The Inclusive Emergency project is also presented in this article; this Erasmus+ project has the aim of raising awareness and educating people about the preparation for and implementation of evacuation and rescue of people with various disabilities.


Akcijski program za invalide 2022–2030, 2021. Vlada Republike Slovenije.

Fire safety: Approved Document B (fire safety), volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings, 2019 edition incorporating 2020 and 2022 amendments. HM Government, 2022., 18. 4. 2023.

Gradbeni zakon. Uradni list RS, št. 199/21 in 105/22 – ZZNŠPP.

Gris, M., 2022. Rezultati projekta Reševanje funkcionalno oviranih oseb. Požar, 28(2), 44–48. Ljubljana, Slovensko združenje za požarno varstvo.

Modic, J., 2022. Oprema za evakuacijo funkcionalno oviranih oseb. Požar, 28(4), 43–45. Ljubljana, Slovensko združenje za požarno varstvo.

Platforma za e-učenje gasilcev o načrtovanju reševanja, če so v požaru ali drugih nesrečah udeležene osebe z omejitvami, 2022., 20. 4. 2023.

Pravilnik o univerzalni graditvi in uporabi objektov. Uradni list RS, št. 41/18 in 199/21 – GZ-1.

SIST EN 60118-4: Elektroakustika – slušni pripomočki – 4. del: Sistemi z indukcijsko zanko za slušne pripomočke, 2015. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo.

SIST ISO 21542: Gradnja stavb – dostopnost in uporabnost grajenega okolja, 2022. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo.

SIST 1186: Talni taktilni vodilni sistem za slepe in slabovidne, 2016. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo.

Tehnična smernica TSG-1-001: 2019, Požarna varnost v stavbah. Izdaja 4.1. Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor.

Unija enakosti: strategija o pravicah invalidov za obdobje 2021–2030, 2021.

Ustava Republike Slovenije. Uradni list RS, št. 33/91-I, 42/97 – UZS68, 66/00 – UZ80, 24/03 – UZ3a, 47, 68, 69/04 – UZ14, 69/04 – UZ43, 69/04 – UZ50, 68/06 – UZ121,140,143, 47/13 – UZ148, 47/13 – UZ90,97,99, 75/16 – UZ70a in 92/21 – UZ62a.

Zakon o izenačevanju možnosti invalidov (ZIMI). Uradni list RS, št. 94/10, 50/14 in 32/17.

Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o pravicah invalidov in Izbirnega protokola h Konvenciji o pravicah invalidov (Uradni list RS – Mednarodne pogodbe, št. 10/08).





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