
  • Livija Rojc Štremfelj Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije


In Slovenia, we have witnessed numerous natural disasters that have shaped the lives of people in the affected areas. Floods, earthquakes, hailstorms, and landslides have not only caused destruction but also sparked an immense desire for assistance from individuals – spontaneous volunteers. This review article addresses the phe­nomenon of spontaneous volunteering, explaining its characteristics and motives, and the behavioural patterns of people who find themselves at the scene of a natural disaster. Researchers have identified several archetypes of convergent behaviour in the past few decades, which are crucial to understand when planning the response of spontaneous volunteers to natural and other disasters. The article also presents five priority areas – local specificities, coordination, communication, training, and safety – that should be given attention when managing spontaneous volunteers, as well as the challenges this invaluable type of help poses for response leaders. We also outline some challenges for response management systems, which should be addressed in the future. A better understanding of the phenomenon of spontaneous volunteering will contribute to informed management and coordination of spontaneous volunteers by organizations involved in Civil Protection, as well as potential local coordinators of newly established groups.


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