
  • Julij Jeraj Mestna občina Ljubljana


The professional literature and its authors are crucial for the existence, development, and professionalization of occupations, including in the field of Protection, Rescue, and Relief (PRR). An analysis of the articles in the journal Ujma contributed by authors employed in the administration of PRR at the national and local levels reveals that there were 121 such authors. Of a total of 1,842 articles published from 1988 to 2023, these authors contributed 344 articles, representing 18% of all articles. The articles are substantiated using internal sources and legislation, with significant representation of both the domestic and foreign literature. Most authors have only written one article, but 18 authors have contributed more than 5 articles each. A more detailed insight indicates that no more than 26 individuals can be considered currently active authors. A considerable portion of the contributions deals with responses to disasters, which is an extremely valuable source of knowledge and experience transfer for the PRR profession. However, the establishment of a unified and more comprehensive methodological approach could significantly enhance meta-analyses and the resulting justified adaptations and changes at the systemic level of PRR. The type of authors concerned represents no more than 7% of those employed in the administrative sector of PRR. They are a valuable resource for their profession and should be provided with a supportive environment and support for writing, including access to foreign periodicals and monographs, methodological training, and international exchanges.


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Jeraj, L., 1990. Zaznavanje ogroženosti ob naravnih in drugih nesrečah. Ujma, 4, 162–164.

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Malešič, M. ur., 2004. Krizno upravljanje in vodenje v Sloveniji. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za družbene vede.

Malešič, M., Jeraj, J., 2018. Procesi profesionalizacije na področju zaščite, reševanja in pomoči v Sloveniji. Varstvoslovje 2018/3, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede, 331−357.

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Sotlar, A., Garb, M., Lobnikar, B., 2018. Uvodnik. Varstvoslovje 2018/3, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede, 263–266.

Svete, U., Juvan, J., Jeraj, J., Tomazin, M., Krnc, M., Banovec, P., Klarič, M., Malešič, M., Šlebir, M., Kus, R., Bucik, V., Polič, M., Vavpetič, B., Prezelj, I., Barut, D., Fajfar, D., Sojer, B., Fink, A., 2019. Oblikovanje celovitega modela vodenja odziva na nesreče za vse ravni vodenja na področju zaščite, reševanja in pomoči v Republiki Sloveniji (končno raziskovalno poročilo), Ljubljana, Fakulteta za družbene vede.

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Research and development