The war in Ukraine, the clashes at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and the nuclear sabre-rattling have significantly increased public interest in potassium iodide (KI). Timely ingestion of an appropriate amount of KI is a recommended protective measure which reduces the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland following a nuclear or radiological accident, and thereby decreases the risk of thyroid cancer later in life. To ensure that individuals up to 40 years old, for whom iodine prophylaxis is recommended, take the KI tablets in a timely manner, they must also receive them in a timely manner. For the majority of Slovenia’s population, except those in the immediate vicinity of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, it is planned that the distribution of KI tablets will be managed by municipalities. Modelling has shown that the currently planned method of distributing KI through polling stations, managed by municipalities, is inefficient in terms of time, organization and finances. Based on modelling and foreign examples, we propose a different distribution method, which will rely on professional organizations – pharmacies or the Slovenian Post. The new distribution method will be much more reliable, manageable, and predictable, thus providing the population with a more appropriate service. Municipalities can support this method of KI distribution by transportation, which can be carried out through their public fire service using crew vehicles and other logistical vehicles.
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