Nekaj misli o konceptu prožnosti v geografiji naravnih nesreč // Some thoughts on the concept of resilience in geography of natural hazards


  • Blaž Komac
  • Lucija Lapuh



geografija, geomorfologija, naravne nesreče, prožnost, ranljivost // geography, geomorphology, natural hazards, resilience, vulnerability


Koncept prožnosti se v zadnjem času uveljavlja kot pripomoček za razumevanje pokrajinske stvarnosti. Čeprav so ga uporabljali že v antiki, pojem v sodobnem pomenu izhaja iz fizike, kjer označuje lastnost materiala, da se ob motnji povrne v prvotno lego. V sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja so ga uporabili v biologiji, potem pa je počasi prešel na druge vede. V geografiji se je uveljavil v zadnjem desetletju, zlasti na področju ekonomske geografije, v zadnjem času pa tudi na področju naravnih nesreč. V članku predstavljamo naravno- in družbenogeografske kazalnike s katerimi merimo prožnost pri naravnih nesrečah in iz njih izračunane indekse, ki so nam lahko v pomoč pri razumevanju geografske stvarnosti.

The concept of resilience has recently been gaining ground as a tool for understanding the landscape. Although it was already used in antiquity, the concept in its modern sense derives from physics, where it designates a characteristic of the material that is returns to its original position after a fault. The term was first used in biology in the seventies of the last century, and then it slowly moved to other sciences. It has been established in geography over the last decade, especially in the field of economic geography, and recently in the field of natural hazards. In this paper we present different natural- and social-geographic indicators to measure resilience of natural hazards and from the calculated indices that can help us better understand geographical environment.



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How to Cite

Komac, B., & Lapuh, L. (2014). Nekaj misli o konceptu prožnosti v geografiji naravnih nesreč // Some thoughts on the concept of resilience in geography of natural hazards. Geografski Vestnik, 86(1), 37–49.


