Understanding the implications of spatial segregation in Belfast, Northern Ireland // Razumevanje posledic prostorske segregacije v Belfastu na Severnem Irskem


  • Peter Kumer
  • Marko Krevs




political geography, spatial segregation, territoriality, interface community, cross community, reconciliation, Belfast, Northern Ireland // politična geografija, prostorska segregacija, teritorialnost, skupnost ob pregradah, medetnično povezovanje, sprava, Severna Irska


The conflict in Belfast that revolves around identity and territory has strong spatial implications. This paper seeks to identify the drivers that promote spatial segregation within the city. The drivers are identified through recent research based on semi-structural interviews with members of the Catholic and Protestant communities, in-depth interviews with decision-makers, and a cartographic analysis of the contested areas. This study aims to provide recommendations to support the spatial integration of both communities and their reconciliation process.

Belfastski konflikt, ki je povezan z identiteto in teritorijem, pušča pomembne posledice v prostoru. Prispevek obravnava dejavnike (gonilne sile), ki spodbujajo prostorsko segregacijo v mestu. Dejavniki so bili prepoznani na podlagi polstrukturiranih intervjujev, opravljenih s predstavniki katoliške in protestantske skupnosti, poglobljenih intervjujev z odločevalci in kartografske analize konfliktnih območij. Cilj raziskave je priprava predlogov za podporo prostorske integracije sprtih skupnosti in njune poti k spravi.


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How to Cite

Kumer, P., & Krevs, M. (2015). Understanding the implications of spatial segregation in Belfast, Northern Ireland // Razumevanje posledic prostorske segregacije v Belfastu na Severnem Irskem. Geografski Vestnik, 87(2). https://doi.org/10.3986/GV87204


