Novi raziskovalni pristopi v družbeni geografiji: participativno akcijsko raziskovanje // New research approaches in human geography: participative action research


  • Dane Podmenik
  • Maks Bembič



kritična geografija, participativno akcijsko raziskovanje, participativni proces in metode, aktivizem, reševanje družbenih problemov // critical geography, participative action research, participative process and methods, activism, social problems


Participativno akcijsko raziskovanje predstavlja (radikalen) odmik od »konvencionalnih« raziskovalnih pristopov, saj združuje raziskovanje in aktivizem s ciljem reševanja družbenih problemov. Pri tem je ključni poudarek na vzpostavljanju enakovrednega odnosa med raziskovalcem in raziskovanci, ki so vključeni v procese raziskovanja. Medtem, ko lahko v mednarodni geografiji govorimo o »participativnem« obratu, to ne velja za domačo geografijo, saj se participativnemu akcijskemu raziskovanju za enkrat ne posveča večje pozornosti.

We are focusing on the participative action research, which represents a (radical) deviation from ”conventional” research approaches. It combines research and activism, with the aim of solving social problems. One of the main characteristics of this approach is building an equivalent relationship between the researcher and the observers (subjects), which are jointly involved in all stages of the research. While we are witnessing the ”participative” turn in the international geography, this is not the case in the Slovenia, since there is not a lot of attention dedicated to participative action research.


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How to Cite

Podmenik, D., & Bembič, M. (2015). Novi raziskovalni pristopi v družbeni geografiji: participativno akcijsko raziskovanje // New research approaches in human geography: participative action research. Geografski Vestnik, 87(2).


