Modeliranje obpotresnih pobočnih procesov v Sloveniji // Co-seismic slope processes in Slovenia


  • Blaž Komac



geografija naravnih nesreč, potresi, zemeljski plazovi, skalni podori, prožnost, modeliranje, Newmarkova metoda // geography of natural hazards, earthquakes, landslides, rockfalls, resilience, modelling, Newmark's method


V članku predstavljamo enega od možnih metodoloških pristopov k izdelavi zemljevidov verjetnosti za nastanek obpotresnih zemeljskih plazov in skalnih podorov v Sloveniji v velikem merilu, na ravni regij ali države. Možnost njihovega nastanka smo ocenili z Newmarkovo metodo, ki obsega oceno plazovitosti z uporabo faktorja stabilnosti in kritičnega pospeška. Podornost smo ocenili z empirično enačbo. Rezultate smo primerjali z modeli plazovitosti ter s podatki o legi pobočnih procesov iz Nacionalne podatkovne baze zemeljskih plazov in obpotresnih skalnih podorov leta 1998 v Posočju. Opisali smo vpliv reliefa na lego obpotresnih pobočnih procesov z vidika njihove večje gostote v ovršjih gora, omenili pa tudi nekatere posledice, kot so prispevanje sedimentov v vodotoke in možnost njihovega zajezevanja.

The article presents one of the possible methods for elaboration of probability maps for co-seismic landslides and rockfalls in Slovenia in large scale (regional and national). The probability of their triggering was assessed by the Newmark's method. The method consists of landslide risk evaluation using stability factor and critical acceleration, while rockfall risk was assessed using an empirical equation. The results were compared with landslide risk models and data on the location of slope processes obtained from the Slovenian National Landslide Database, and of co-seismic rockfalls in the Soča Valley (Posočje) in 1988. In addition, the article describes the influence of the relief on the position of co-seismic slope processes from the perspective of their increased density on mountain ridges. We also describe the main consequences of slope processes, such as their contribution to sediment deposition in water courses and the possibility of their impoundment.


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How to Cite

Komac, B. (2015). Modeliranje obpotresnih pobočnih procesov v Sloveniji // Co-seismic slope processes in Slovenia. Geografski Vestnik, 87(1).


