The new paradigm of solution dolines // Nova paradigma korozijskih vrtač


  • Tatjana Resnik Planinc



karst, doline, solution doline, curriculum, syllabus, educational process, //, kras, vrtača, korozijska vrtača, kurikul, učni načrt, izobraževalni proces


The paper focuses on the morphogenesis of solution dolines from a theoretical aspect. First of all, the classical paradigm of solution dolines is evaluated, followed by a review of contemporary understandings of karst processes. The author seeks to examine the shift from old concepts within karstology to new concepts and paradigms, although obsolete ideas are still present in lecture books and curricula/syllabi. The problem of altering paradigms is presented using the example of solution dolines, the most typical karst landform, and discussed further through the prism of changing deeply rooted paradigms in the educational process.

Članek obravnava teoretični pogled na morfogenezo korozijskih vrtač. V uvodnem delu je ovrednotena klasična paradigma nastanka korozijskih vrtač; sledi mu pregled sodobnih pogledov na tovrstne kraške procese. Avtorica želi prikazati prehod starih krasoslovnih konceptov v novejše koncepte in paradigme, medtem ko so zastareli koncepti še vedno prisotni v učbenikih ter učnih načrtih. Problem sprememb paradigem je predstavljen na primeru korozijskih vrtač, ki so najbolj tipične površinske kraške oblike, skozi prizmo sprememb globoko zakoreninjenih paradigem v izobraževalnem procesu.


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How to Cite

Resnik Planinc, T. (2016). The new paradigm of solution dolines // Nova paradigma korozijskih vrtač. Geografski Vestnik, 88(1).


