Prispevek k slovenski terminologiji krasa in kraških oblik na eogenetskih kvartarnih kalkarenitih // A contribution to Slovenian terminology of karst and its features developed in eogenetic Quaternary calcarenites
kraška terminologija, speleogeneza, singenetski kras, eogenetski kras, korozijske cevi, stolpiči, jame, //, karst terminology, speleogenesis, syngenetic karst, eogenetic karst, solution pipes, pinnacles, cavesAbstract
V slovenskih znanstvenih revijah se v vse večji meri objavljajo opisi različnih tipov krasa po svetu in na njih vezanih reliefnih oblik. Za določene oblike, ki se v Sloveniji ne pojavljajo, ni obstoječih slovenskih izrazov, zato lahko ob različnih prevodih pride do zmede. V pričujočem članku so na primerih predlaganih novih slovenskih terminov opisani glavni tipi krasa in kraških oblik na kvartarnih eogenetskih kalkarenitih. Besedilo naj služi kot terminološko vodilo nadaljnjim poimenovanjem predstavljenih kraških pojavov in oblik.
Different types of karst and its features are being continuously published in Slovenian scientific literature. However, for certain features there are no formal Slovenian terms which might lead to confusion. In this paper, terms in Slovene and general descriptions of different types of karst and its features of Quaternary eogenetic calcarenites are presented. The paper may serve as a reference to additional up-coming Slovenian literature about this kind of karst and its features.
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