Odnos do trajnostnega razvoja in viri znanja o trajnostnem razvoju študentov geografije v Sloveniji // Attitude towards sustainable development and sources of knowledge of sustainable development among geography students in Slovenia


  • Valentina Brečko Grubar
  • Gregor Kovačič




geografija, trajnostni razvoj, anketiranje, izobraževanje, univerze, Slovenija // geography, sustainable development, survey, education, universities, Slovenia


Prispevek predstavlja rezultate raziskave o odnosu in virih znanja o trajnostnem razvoju (TR) študentov geografije na vseh treh javnih univerzah v Sloveniji. Na spletno anketo je odgovorilo 175 študentov oziroma 34 % populacije prvič vpisanih študentov geografije na prvi in drugi stopnji v študijskem letu 2016/2017. Dve tretjini študentov menita, da je njihova predstava o TR dobra. Tisti, ki višje vrednotijo lastno poznavanje TR, mu hkrati pripisujejo večji pomen in menijo, da so njegove vsebine bolj povezane s študijem. Rezultati kažejo, da znanje o trajnostnem razvoju večinoma pridobivajo s formalnim izobraževanjem, vendar pa nismo dokazali, da bi delež od začetka do zaključka študija statistično značilno naraščal. Pričakovano so, po mnenju študentov, med predmeti študijskih programov s TR najbolj povezani tisti, kjer je že iz imena predmeta pričakovati vsebine o TR. Največ različnih predmetov so navedli študenti Univerze v Ljubljani, najbolj enakomerno pa so navedbe razporedili študenti Univerze na Primorskem.


The paper presents the results of the survey conducted among geography students of all three public universities in Slovenia regarding their attitude towards sustainable development (SD) and sources of knowledge of SD. 175 students or 34% of the geography students population of first and second cycles in the study year 2016/2017 answered to online questionnaire. Two thirds of them assessed their knowledge of SD as good. Those, who assessed their knowledge of SD being higher, simultaneously think that SD is more important and that its contents is more incorporated into theirs’ study. Students gained most of their respective knowledge through formal education. However, we have not proven that the ratio of knowledge gained by formal education statistically significant increases from the beginning to the end of the studies. Not surprisingly, according to the students’ opinion the greatest connectedness with the SD have those courses where it can be concluded from their names that they are strongly connected with the SD contents. The biggest list of different courses was reported by students of the University of Ljubljana, the most uniformly distributed list of different courses is characteristic for students of the University of Primorska.


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How to Cite

Brečko Grubar, V., & Kovačič, G. (2017). Odnos do trajnostnega razvoja in viri znanja o trajnostnem razvoju študentov geografije v Sloveniji // Attitude towards sustainable development and sources of knowledge of sustainable development among geography students in Slovenia. Geografski Vestnik, 89(1). https://doi.org/10.3986/GV89105


