Izzivi v turističnem sektorju: kako se evropske turistične destinacije soočajo s preturizmom // Challenges in tourism sector: how European tourism destinations are dealing with overtourism


  • Katarina Polajnar Horvat
  • Daniela Ribeiro




geografija turizma, preturizem, nenadzorovan turistični razvoj, upravljanje turističnih destinacij, turistični tokovi, nosilna zmogljivost, //, geography of tourism, overtourism, uncontrolled tourism development, tourism destination management, tourist flows, carrying capacity


Turizem je pomemben vir gospodarske rasti, regionalnega razvoja in zaposlovanja, a se turistični sektor sooča z velikimi izzivi. Rast turizma in pritok turistov v gosto poseljena območja vplivata na: kakovost prostora, gentrifikacijo, manjšo ponudbo stanovanj zaradi višanja cen najemnin in nepremičnin ter tudi nižjo kakovost življenja lokalnih prebivalcev. V naši raziskavi smo na primeru izbranih evropskih destinacij želeli ugotoviti, kakšne so njihove zmožnosti za premagovanje izzivov preturizma. Razvili smo metodologijo za diagnostiko preturizma, ki temelji na štirih korakih: 1) kvantitativni opis destinacije, 2) kvalitativni opis nastajajočih izzivov, 3) kvalitativni opis ukrepov, ki jih sprejmejo destinacije, in 4) kvalitativni opis odgovorov na izvajanje ukrepov. Ugotovili smo, da kljub temu, da je na preučevanih destinacijah mogoče najti številne podobne izzive preturizma, so potrebni usmerjeni ukrepi za vsako destinacijo ali vsak tip destinacije, ki obravnava posamezne izzive. //


Tourism is considered as an important source of economic growth, regional development and employment; however tourism sector faces considerable challenges. The growth of tourism and the influx of tourists in densely populated areas, impacts upon: the spatial quality, gentrification, lowering housing offers by increasing rents and real estate prices, lowering the quality of life of local residents, among others. We aimed at carrying out a research on the ability of selected European destinations to overcome the challenges of overtourism. We have developed a methodology for diagnostics of overtourism, which is based on four steps: 1) quantitative description of the destination, 2) qualitative description of the emerging challenges, 3) qualitative description of the measures taken by the destinations, and 4) qualitative description of the responses to the implementation of the measures. We found out that even though many similar challenges can be found in the destinations studied, as a result of overtourism, it is necessary to identify measures for each destination or each destination type addressing individual challenges.


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How to Cite

Polajnar Horvat, K., & Ribeiro, D. (2019). Izzivi v turističnem sektorju: kako se evropske turistične destinacije soočajo s preturizmom // Challenges in tourism sector: how European tourism destinations are dealing with overtourism. Geografski Vestnik, 91(1). https://doi.org/10.3986/GV91104


