Vrednotenje družbene trajnostnosti malega industrijskega mesta: primer Velenja // Assessing the social sustainability of a small industrial town: the case of Velenje


  • Jernej Tiran
  • David Bole
  • Primož Gašperič
  • Jani Kozina
  • Peter Kumer
  • Primož Pipan




trajnostni razvoj, mala in srednje velika mesta, družbene razmere, razvoj, industrija, urbana politika, prostorsko načrtovanje, Slovenija, //, sustainability, small and medium-sized towns, social conditions, development, industry, urban policy, spatial planning, Slovenia


Namen prispevka je poskus vrednotenja družbenega vidika trajnostnega razvoja Velenja, ki v evropskem merilu sodi med mala industrijska mesta. Pri vrednotenju smo uporabili v tujini uveljavljeno orodje Social Sustainability Framework in ga prilagodili lokalnemu kontekstu. Ugotovili smo, da je Velenje mesto z visoko stopnjo družbene trajnostnosti v treh od štirih ocenjenih sklopov: dobrin in družbene infrastrukture, družbenega in kulturnega življenja ter vpliva, ki ga ima lokalno prebivalstvo na razvoj. Največja slabost mesta je slabša prilagodljivost in prožnost kot posledica na dveh večjih podjetjih temelječega gospodarstva. Ocenjujemo, da ima uporabljeno orodje veliko uporabno vrednost za urbano načrtovanje in urbani razvoj. //


The purpose of the article was to evaluate the social sustainability of Velenje, which falls into the category of small industrial towns on the European scale. The evaluation was done by using Social Sustainability Framework, an established tool that was adjusted to the local context. It was determined that Velenje is a town with a high level of social sustainability both in the areas of goods and social infrastructure, social and cultural life, as well as the influence that the local inhabitants have on development. The town’s greatest disadvantage is its reduced adaptability level and flexibility, which is the consequence of an economy based on only two major companies. We believe that the tool has the potential to be useful for urban planning and development.


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How to Cite

Tiran, J., Bole, D., Gašperič, P., Kozina, J., Kumer, P., & Pipan, P. (2019). Vrednotenje družbene trajnostnosti malega industrijskega mesta: primer Velenja // Assessing the social sustainability of a small industrial town: the case of Velenje. Geografski Vestnik, 91(2). https://doi.org/10.3986/GV91204


