Primerjava uporabe prostovoljnih geografskih informacij za spremljanje poplav in potresov // Comparison of the volunteered geographic information usage to monitor floods and earthquakes


  • Mihaela Triglav Čekada
  • Dalibor Radovan



prostovoljni geografski podatki, viri podatkov množic, fotografije, naravne nesreče, poplave, potresi, //, volunteered geographic information, crowdsourcing, images, natural disasters, floods, earthquakes


Prostovoljne geografske informacije in zajemanje podatkov množic sta izraza, ki govorita o uporabi informacij z geografskim položajem, ki jih posredujejo neorganizirani prostovoljci s pomočjo različnih spletnih orodij. Na primeru poplav in potresov bomo prikazali desetletno tujo prakso uporabe tovrstnih podatkov. Tovrstne podatke raziskovalci večinoma obravnavajo zgolj kot vhodni vir, ki pa je zelo uporaben pri kartiranju. Dobro priučene prostovoljce lahko obravnavamo kot »senzorje« in analitike. Kljub znatnemu povečanju števila prostovoljcev, pa vprašanja uporabe tovrstnih podatkov ostajajo: kako vzpodbuditi dovolj veliko množico prostovoljcev, da bomo dobili zadovoljiv prikaz naravne nesreče, kako izločiti nepravilne podatke, kako upoštevati avtorstvo podatkov in kako preprečiti izključenost tistih prostovoljcev, ki nimajo dostopa do spleta v času nesreče. //


Volunteered geographic information and crowdsourcing are terms, which describe the use of information with a geographic description, provided by unorganized volunteers through various online tools. In the case of floods and earthquakes, a ten-year international practice of volunteered geographic information usage is presented. Such data are by professionals considered only as an input source, which is very useful for mapping. When trained, volunteers can be treated as sensors and analysts. Despite the significant increase in the number of volunteers, open issues of such data usage remain: how to animate enough volunteers to get a satisfactory display of a natural disaster, how to exclude incorrect data, how to take into account the authorship of the data, and how to prevent the exclusion of those volunteers, which do not have access to the internet at the time of the accident.


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How to Cite

Triglav Čekada, M., & Radovan, D. (2019). Primerjava uporabe prostovoljnih geografskih informacij za spremljanje poplav in potresov // Comparison of the volunteered geographic information usage to monitor floods and earthquakes. Geografski Vestnik, 91(2).


