Apiturizem kot presečišče tradicije, zdravilstva in čebelarjeve trajnostne pridobitne dejavnosti // Apitourism as an intersection of tradition, alternative medicine and the beekeeper’s sustainable income-generating activity


  • Vanja Tišler
  • Metod Šuligoj Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za turistične študije - Turistica, Obala 11a, SI – 6320 Portorož, Slovenija




apiturizem, čebelarski turizem, nišni turizem, apiterapija, zdravilstvo, certifikat apiturizma, tradicija, Slovenija, //, apitourism, beekeeping tourism, niche tourism, apitherapy, alternative medicine, certificate of apitourism, tradition, Slovenia


Apiturizem združuje trajnostni, nišni, dediščinski in zdravstveni turizem. Je nov turistični proizvod in tudi nova raziskovalna tema. V pričujočem prispevku pojasnimo razvoj apiturizma in apiterapije v Sloveniji. Ker je glavna posebnost slovenskega apiturizma certifikat odličnosti, smo s pomočjo intervjujev ugotavljali poglede certificiranih in necertificiranih ponudnikov (čebelarjev) na »izvajanje« apiturizma v praksi. Ugotovili smo, da imajo ponudniki o vključevanju apiturizma v slovensko okolje pozitivno mnenje, kritični pa so do zakonske neurejenosti apiterapije in si od državnih ustanov želijo večjo pomoč pri razvoju in promociji apiturizma. Zaznane so bile tudi razlike med cerificiranimi ponudniki in tistimi, ki certifikata nimajo. //


Apitourism combines sustainable, niche, heritage and health tourism. It is a new tourism product and a new research topic. In this paper we explain the development of apitourism and apitherapy in Slovenia. Since the main feature of Slovenian apitourism is the certificate of excellence, interviews were used to determine the views of certified and non-certified providers (beekeepers) of the business (“implementation” of apitourism in practice). We found out that providers have a positive opinion on the integration of apitourism into the Slovenian environment, but they are critical of the (legal) disorder of apitherapy. They also want more help in the development and promotion of apitourism from state institutions. Differences between certified providers and those who do not have a certificate were identified throughout the research.


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How to Cite

Tišler, V., & Šuligoj, M. (2020). Apiturizem kot presečišče tradicije, zdravilstva in čebelarjeve trajnostne pridobitne dejavnosti // Apitourism as an intersection of tradition, alternative medicine and the beekeeper’s sustainable income-generating activity. Geografski Vestnik, 92(2), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.3986/GV92204


