Analysis of visual elements of leisure attractiveness of Slovenian landscapes // Analiza vidnih elementov prostočasne privlačnosti slovenskih pokrajin


  • Dejan Cigale University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography, Aškerčeva cesta 2, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



landscape diversity, landscape attractiveness, landscape hotspots, naturalness, recreation, Slovenia, //, pokrajinska raznolikost, pokrajinska privlačnost, pokrajinske vroče točke, naravnost, rekreacija, Slovenija


This paper discusses the attractiveness of the Slovenian landscape as a leisure space. It focuses in particular on relationship of attractiveness with landscape diversity and naturalness. As a starting point, the study of Perko et al. (2017) was used in which the authors identified the most and the least diverse Slovenian areas, i.e. landscape hotpots and coldspots. An online survey was conducted using photographs taken in selected hotspots and coldspots. Respondents were asked to rate the attractiveness of the landscapes shown in the photographs as destinations for a leisure trip. The attractiveness of the landscapes did not differ depending on whether they were in a hotspot or coldspot. On the other hand, the results clearly indicate the higher attractiveness of landscapes in which relatively natural landscape elements predominate. //


Prispevek obravnava privlačnost slovenske pokrajine kot prostočasnega prostora. Posebej se osredotoča na povezavo privlačnosti s pokrajinsko raznolikostjo in naravnostjo. Kot izhodišče je bila uporabljena raziskava Perka in sodelavcev (2017), v kateri so avtorji določili najbolj in najmanj raznolika območja Slovenije, tj. pokrajinske vroče in mrzle točke. Izvedena je bila spletna anketna raziskava, v kateri so bile uporabljene fotografije, posnete v izbranih vročih in mrzlih točkah. Anketiranci so bili naprošeni, da ocenijo privlačnost pokrajin na fotografijah kot ciljev izletov. Privlačnost pokrajin se ni razlikovala glede na njihovo lego znotraj vročih ali mrzlih točk. Na drugi strani rezultati jasno kažejo večjo privlačnost pokrajin, v katerih prevladujejo razmeroma naravni pokrajinski elementi.


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How to Cite

Cigale, D. (2021). Analysis of visual elements of leisure attractiveness of Slovenian landscapes // Analiza vidnih elementov prostočasne privlačnosti slovenskih pokrajin. Geografski Vestnik, 93(2), 27–55.


