
  • Julij Jeraj Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


Emergency response management requires a well-organised and stable system environment, which provides the conditions for its effectiveness. Such an environment is called a management model. A theoretical management model comprises several equally important elements, which encompass everything from the selection and development of leaders, appropriate organisational structures of management, uniform terminology, and suitable types and levels of training, to the provision of relevant literature, and planned and independent analyses of management performance. The presence of individual elements of the emergency response management model was examined in the Civil Protection of Slovenia before and after Slovenia gained its independence. It was found that more elements of the theoretical management model were present in Civil Protection before Slovenia’s independence than after it. There were differences in the internal structure of the management body, the provision of its personnel, its method of operation, training and literature, while no significant differences were identified in the analysis of management performance and the organisational structure. The differences mostly arose from the changed social situation. The findings of the comparison revealed which areas of the current management model should be given analytical consideration with regard to a potential need for amendments or changes.


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Pripravljenost na nesreče