
  • Uroš Svete Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Ljubljana


Nearby modified geopolitical and strategic as well internal social changes in mass (public) events play an especially important role within the comprehensive security model. In this sense we do not only think about important political and economic events but also about sport matches such as football championships or the Olympic Games. Therefore we decided to present Swiss security preparations developed before and carried out during the EURO 2008 championships. Modern trends in sense of watching sport events, public viewing, the daily migration of fans and immigrants who strengthen their emotional bonds with former native countries (this problem could occur when these countries are playing against each other) are just some of new threats that have to be treated, not to mention how appropriate such media events are for terrorism tactics. We still remember incidents in Munich, Atlanta or even in Berlin 2006, Therefore there is no doubt mass events are a nightmare for all security personnel. So it is unavoidable for every modern country to make very good preparations where every possible security instrument has to be taken into account. On the other hand such events could be also treated as good indicators for measuring security capabilities of the state as well its readiness to integrate different security institutions into one unified entity. This is especially the case when we are thinking about the differences between fire fighting, civil protection and rescue services as well private security companies.


Pogovor z Martinom Jäggijem, vodjem varnostnih priprav na EURO 2008 (Zürich, 7. marec 2008)

Pogovor z Eugenom Thomannom, nekdanjim načelnikom kantonalne policije v Zürichu, polkovnikom švicarske milice in sedanjim samostojnim svetovalcem za varnostna vprašanja (Zürich, 8. marec 2008)

Sicherheit durch Kooperation: Bericht des Bundesrates an die Bundesversammlung über die Sicherheitspolitik der Schweiz (SIPOL B 2000)

Nationales Sicherheitskonzept Schweiz für die UEFA EURO 2008

Svete, Uroš (2007). Razsežja informacijske dejavnosti v obrambnih prizadevanjih Švice in Avstrije: od duhovne obrambe do kriznega komuniciranja. V: PREZELJ, Iztok (ur.). Oblikovanje politik, sistemov in mehanizmov kriznega upravljanja v sodobnih državah. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za obrambo, Direktorat za obrambne zadeve, Sektor za civilno obrambo. Str. 111—138

Bericht über die Überprüfung der Information des Bundes in Krisenlagen (2003). Članek je dobljen 23. 7. 2005 na





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