
  • Marjan Malešič Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Ljubljana


The article, which is a result of Greek-Slovene scientific cooperation, analyses crisis management and leadership in Greece. The analysis is based on the general theory of crisis management and leadership, but taking into account national systemic and organisational particularities. The author first analyses the formal structure of elements of crisis management and leadership in Greece and then adds a critical analysis of problems, based on fieldwork. The Greek system of crisis management and leadership is very complex, since competences for dealing with crises are spread through various ministries, and the latter are not always logically composed in terms of the tasks that they must perform in a crisis. At the same time, relations between state, regional and local authorities are not always arranged, which causes difficulties in horizontal and vertical coordination of their efforts in the event of a crisis. The Greek system of crisis management and leadership, which some people even equate with civil protection, is very much marked by the role of the army in it, as is also testified by the fact that there is not a single civilian employed in the operation centre for civil protection and that often retired military personnel work in departments and offices for civil protection on regional and municipal levels. A special feature of crisis management and leadership is also provided by the Greek mentality and culture, especially the legal culture. Nevertheless, progress towards a more effective response to contemporary complex crises has been made in recent years in Greece, in part influenced by the cooperation of the country in supra-national structures involved in crisis management and leadership (Civil Emergency Planning in NATO, EU Civil Protection Mechanism and the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Afairs).


International Civil Emergency Planning Handbook 2002 (Greece), The Swedish Agency for Civil Emergency Planning.

Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization - the General Secretariat For Civil Protection, dosegljivo na dne 15.3.2005.

International Civil Protection Directory-Greece, dosegljivo na Grecce.pdf dne 15. 3. 2005.

Civil Protection in Greece, Ministry of Interior, Public administration and Decentralization, May 2006.

Malešič, M., 1991. (De)militarizacija in civilna obramba. V: Demilitarizacija Slovenije in nacionalna varnost. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.


Doc. dr. Vassiliki Kouskouna, oddelek za geofiziko-geotermiko, fakulteta za geologijo (Department of Geophysics – Geothermics, Faculty of Geology), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,

Dr. Issak Parcharidis, predavatelj na Univerzi Harokopeio v Atenah (Lecturer at Harokopeio University, Athens); nekdanji svetovalec za civilno zaščito (former Civil Protection Consultant),

Dr. Asimina Kourou, Organizacija za načrtovanje in zaščito pred potresi (Earthquake Planning and Protection Organisation, EPPO),

Ga. Maria Panoutsopoulou, Organizacija za načrtovanje in zaščito pred potresi (Earthquake Planning and Protection Organisation, EPPO),

Dr. Dimitrios Diagourtas, raziskovalec na oddelku za geofiziko-geotermiko, fakulteta za geologijo (Research Fellow, Department of Geophysics – Geothermics, Faculty of Geology), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,

Mag. Petros Kampouris, svetovalec direktorja Generalnega sekretariata za civilno zaščito (Consultant, General Secretariat for Civil Protection),

Prof. dr. Nicholas Petropoulos, predstojnik Centra za preučevanje kriz (Head of Emergency Research Centre),

G. Dimitris Alexandris, predstojnik oddelka za načrtovanje, preventivo in ukrepanje ob naravnih nesrečah, Generalni sekretariat za civilno zaščito (Head of Natural Disasters Planning, Prevention and Response Department, General Secretariat for Civil Protection),

G. Leonidas Galanopoulos, predstojnik operativnega centra civilne zaščite, podpolkovnik policijskih sil (Lieutenant Colonel of Hellenic Police),

Dr. George Kaviris, raziskovalec na oddelku za geofiziko-geotermiko, fakulteta za geologijo (Department of Geophysics – Geothermics, Faculty of Geology), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,

Mr, Nikos Sekallariou, raziskovalec na oddelku za geofiziko-geotermiko, fakulteta za geologijo (Department of Geophysics – Geothermics, Faculty of Geology), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.





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